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Someone is leaking my Patreon posts to a website that pirates content from Patreon, Gumroad, Pixiv, ect. I don't know how or if I'm even able to find out who it is but I'm attempting to contact Patreon and Github about this. I may have to use some other method of providing the weekly posts


Lael Tucker

It sucks but maybe consider watermarking images? I'm sorry this is happening to you.


Damn! You'd need to watermark images with something that identifies which account is stealing them, bit complex unless patreon have that feature built in. Sucks, hope you find a good solution!


Patreon Admins should have access to every user movements, and even you can see some of this information in Google Analytics. I hope you find out who is it, meanwhile, we are with you! Keep going with your awesome art the way you have to, we love you no matter what!

Harper Onions

This just seems... pointless. You make the images public eventually anyway. Some people are just so spiteful and petty.... And DUMB.