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The Vampire Diaries | 6x3 | "Welcome to Paradise" | FULL REACTION!

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Here bright and early!

Arriona Clark

Im so excited for more eps


These theories about Kaiā€¦šŸ˜‚


In Season 2 - right after Caroline turned - Matt, Tyler, Stefan, and Caroline went to a party there on the night of the full moon - first time we saw Mason in werewolf form - it is on Tyler's family property - it was while Damon, Elena, and Alaric were at Duke

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

I agree that Caroline should allow Stefan to process his brothers death without constantly trying to get him to come back, if Stefan decided that not being around them right now is what would help him, and even if in the long run it doesn't, that's a decision he gets to make. He lost his brother and he deserves the time to process through that without anybody trying to force him to do anything else, could he be a little nicer to her? Sure, and I get that it hurts her but again everyone processes grief differently. The writers forcing a Stefan/Caroline pairing really aggravated me because I never saw any romantic chemistry between them, just friendship and I really started to dislike their relationship going forward. It just felt like the writers were like "well we can't put Klaus and Caroline together because they are on different shows, and Stelena's over, why don't we just put Stefan/Caroline." Like I never felt the spark between them, but whatever. I wasn't mad at Stefan for turning Enzo in, Enzo truly has no life or purpose at this point and just decided to make torturing Stefan his goal, Stefan owes him nothing. Everyone tip toeing around Elena was funny because the girl literally forced herself into a delusional bubble and now everyone else has to play along. And of course the great Bamon moments we got in this episode and the introduction of Kai who I think you guys will love going forward. Can't wait for the rest of the season.


Kyle has a very imaginative mind, he should totally be a writer


Caroline was being hard on Stefan this episode. He lost his brother. Elenaā€™s allowed to burn down her house and erase her memories in the name grief, but Stefan canā€™t *checks notes* move away? If he needs time then the least they could do is it give it to him. Sheā€™s letting her feelings for him cloud her judgement.

Fly on the Wall

Youā€™re allowed to move away. What youā€™re not allowed to do is cut everyone off and ghost them. Refuse to answer their calls, give any kind of explanation as to why you arenā€™t returning or show any kind of care at all about how your friends are doing in an equally hard time. He completely abandoned everyone he supposedly cared and just gave up caring about anyone but himself.


I said that in the last episode, but by this episode, they all know where heā€™s at mentally. Heā€™s said he doesnā€™t want to be around anyone right now. I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to call him selfish considering heā€™s spent 5 seasons putting everyone else first. He deserves some time to grieve in the way he chooses. No one lost as much as he did.

Melanin Ky

The writers said since season 2x2 bathroom scene they knew they would get them together eventually. I personally do see the chemistry because he's so much more light than uptight, doesn't deny his nature with her, just embraces it. In 4x3 we learned he couldn't be himself without becoming the ripper around Elena, but he feels comfortable around Caroline. I just hate that they waited all the way til season 6 to initiate it. Instead of him brooding about Delena in season 5, he could've been exploring with Caroline since they were teasing it in 5x4-5 & later in the season.

Melanin Ky

@Halima Absolutely agree. I think it's unfair to call him selfish. He's allowed to grieve in his own way, yes it's wrong but hurt people, hurt people. It's clear he just doesn't want to feel the full force of that grief yet.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Well they didnā€™t do a good job showcasing it because it really feels like they just put them together because they ran out of options. Stefan and Caroline have no romantic chemistry together, just friendship, all those times you mentioned showed what good friends they are but I never saw any romance, still donā€™t. Stefan for me deserved to find someone completely new in my opinion, itā€™s why I didnā€™t even like when they put him back with Katherine in S5, he deserves a fresh start with a whole new girl. Their relationship from here on out just feels too forced and not natural at all.


I struggle to watch these reactions now cos you talk over important parts then get confused when something has happened


Facts. And some of them say such stupid shit.

Kristen Maddox

Yeah I would like it better if they paused when they talked so they can hear everything that happens in each episode.


Normally I'm on Stefan's side and don't like Damon's actions in general, but I have to say that here, Stefan is being an asshole, and I think the characters are right to call him out on his bullshit. When Stefan went off the rails with Klaus in Season 3, Damon never stopped looking or gave up on him, despite getting so many deadends. He even went to Klaus and would've gotten himself killed, trying to get Stefan back, do people forget that? Damon never gave up on Stefan. But here, Stefan just gave up on his brother after 4 months? And Damon's only dead because he was trying to get Stefan back in the first place. That's just shitty of Stefan, so I'm completely on the other characters' side. There's always a loophole with magic, and Stefan knows that, so him just giving up and ghosting his friends (trying to pass it off as 'moving on') is him being a selfish dick. And this is coming from me, I normally defend Stefan against the Damon stans.


@Fly on the Wall Agreed. He is being a selfish asshole. If he wants space and wants to move away, he could have communicated that to them all from the beginning, not ghosting them and supposedly 'moving on'. Aqeel talks about communication, but that's exactly what Stefan has NOT been doing. It's very cowardly and shitty of Stefan.

Fly on the Wall

You can answer a phone call from someone you supposedly cared about and just be like yo Caroline hereā€™s the deal. I need some time Iā€™ll come back when Iā€™m ready, etc. But he didnā€™t even want to do the courtesy of letting them know how he was doing if he was gonna come back while he was answering their phone calls. And it seemed like he didnā€™t have any intention of ever coming back.. Completely cutting off everyone he ever supposedly cared about itā€™s just crazy.

Fly on the Wall

I reread your second comment, and I think I see where youā€™re trying to go with it, but I would still say Stefan acted selfishly here in a way. He decided after they left him in his new life to come back to their old stomping grounds, and basically lied to their face about wanting to see how they were doing while he was only there to do something for himself, and that was kill Enzo and then he planned to just completely go back to his new life. That kind of yo-yoing can be very jarring for somebody that we found out in this episode was falling in love with him. And you just find out this guy doesnā€™t seem to care about you enough at all to try to stick around or or let you in or even you know, set up some system where you at least call each other once a week nothing he wants a complete break from you and then thatā€™s kind of devastating. Lotta people grieving a lot of different ways but itā€™s generally not particularly healthy to cut literally everyone out of your life. Thatā€™s a very self-destructive way, and itā€™s not something that can be maintained. The only way to maintain that is to literally just never go back and if thatā€™s the case and yes, itā€™s a very selfish thing to do to people you spent a tremendous amount of time building relationships with.


I see what you are saying but when Stefan turned his humanity off, he wasn't "gone" the same way Damon is gone in this season. He knew Stefan was alive and breathing and there was a a good chance to get him to come back. In this season, Damon literally disappeared into thin air. He did everything he could to find a lead or something.


@Fly on the Wall You are on point about everything.