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Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well! I wanted to share the same sentiment here that I did on twitter the other day. The response has been super positive and very supportive. I seriously want to thank all of you for supporting me, it's given me a big mental boost, and for once in long while, I can finally say that things in life seem to be improving. This month my earning from patreon have almost doubled and for the first time i've hit the 1k mark in earnings in a month. This is a pretty huge stepping stone and wouldn't be possible without you guys. So seriously thank you all. And a big shoutout to Nyl for mentioning me during the challenge since that brought in a lot of new patrons and of course to RadRoach for just being a general homie and helping out as well.

With the challenge done I feel like I'm in a pretty good spot. It gave me some good momentum and I plan on continuing on with it for as long as I can. So with that out the way I'm returning to the Marie animation I teased a few weeks ago, I've got enough planning done where I can start animating that. Will take a while to finish but I'll be posting progress and WIP stuff as I go. Depending on how long it is I might take some breaks and work on smaller projects in between to not get burned out working on it. 



happy for you, you deserve it, nyl, RadRoach, subscribed to them from the beginning I can never say thank you enough to them for their magnificent content


No, thank you for your incredible work. Keep it up ❤️