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Hey everyone, in case you missed it on my discord and twitter, I'm participating in a 3 day animation challenge. Basically a few animators are getting together and trying to pump out an animation within 24 hours, 3 days in a row. You can see Nyl's announcement post here

It's pretty free form, we can do whatever we want it just has to be started and finished within a 24 hour period. I have a few vague ideas of what I want to do but haven't delved too much because I want to contain it to the 24 hours. One thing I do want to do is take an older animation and redo it. Haven't decided on which yet but if you have suggestions I'd love to hear them.

Anyway, welcome to all the new patrons, I really appreciate all your support. This challenge will indeed be a good challenge for me but hopefully something to learn from, and of course all of you get some juicy content out of it. Cya soon. 


Cassidy Mauvelous

Do y'all know when this is going to happen?


How can I join discord?


Need to link your discord account to your patreon account. Quick google search will tell ya how to set it up.