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Hey everyone, sorry for the short notice but I'll probably be pausing the patreon for the month of October. I can't guarantee I'll be making much content during the month for a few reasons.

Lately I've been pretty burned out. I'm pretty unhappy with my work lately and how I've been going about things. Really this feeling has been here for the past few weeks/month or two but I tried to push it aside as I'd get some spurts of motivation but those lasted for about a few days at most. Sometimes you just need to walk away from things for a bit and return with a clearer head so hoping that a little break will do that. Not sure how long it'll be, hoping that just a few weeks will resolve things but we'll see. I don't have any intention on quitting anytime soon tho, I still enjoy making content too much as I open Blender up at least 5 days of the week to try and work on something and without it I'm not sure where I'd spend that energy.

Second I have a close family member that's been diagnosed with cancer and the doctor gave about 8 months to live. This is an older family member so while it's not the most surprising thing in the world to hear it's still rough to hear it when it finally happens. So right now I'm also trying to navigate how to feel about all that.

I always put a lot of pressure on myself with my work and especially over here with patreon because ideally I'd like for it to become a better source of income without selling out completely. So taking a pause is about the last thing I really want to do but in the long run I feel it'll be more beneficial. I hope all of you understand, and I appreciate your patience. Take care everyone <3



no worries takes time for you and your family and courage to you