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Hey everyone, just posting a few images of an upcoming project. I've been hard at work the last week setting up the environment, and adjusting the nun models to get them ready for animating. The first image is a custom made confessional I made for this project, and what I've bene spending most of my time on. It was a good excuse to practice my modelling and I'm fairly happy with how it came out. I'll be making it publicly available once I finish the project so hopefully that'll inspire some more nun-based scenes.

Second image is a custom made nun outfit I plan on giving the main character. It'll probably be tweaked a little more and have some more added to it. Last shot is the church/cathedral this will all be taking place in. I bought a model online and then adjusted the materials to make it look a lot better. Still a few things to fix but those should be some quick fixes.

Now that the confessional is finished I plan on trying to finalize the character designs. There will be 3 total, one female and 2 futas. After that, finishing up the environment and then planning the animation. I've got a decent bit figured out in my head already but needs refinement. I'll be posting progress as I go along! Thanks for reading, hope you all are looking forward to this :D




so nice news, Sin project, this style of project makes you really want to see more nun more futa😍😍, thanks for the news