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Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well! Things have been pretty busy over on my end. I mostly wanted to give a heads up that next week I'll be on a much needed vacation (first real one in years...) so content will be slow this month. Between renovations that are hopefully finished and other life things, I haven't had nearly as much time as I'd of liked to work on things.

On the flip side I made this quick animation that will be used as an establishing shot in a planned animation of that firekeeper model I teased here. This is my one of my first time doing a landscape in Blender and I'm very pleased with how it came out and hopefully can set the mood and expectation for that animation. If you're not a fan of firekeeper thats ok! This is planned to be a longer project so I'll be working on shorter animations in between to not get too burned out on it so there'll be content for everyone.

Take care and stay safe, see you all again soon!



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