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Hey everyone, a lot has been on my mind lately, so I thought I'd take the time to write some of those thoughts down and share with you guys about the future of things. I've been making smut for about 6 years now... can't believe it's been that long. I used another name before making this one which makes up the first four years, and decided to do futa based content here for the past two. To say the least it's been an interesting yet bumpy ride. I'm glad that I've been able to make content for you all for this long, and I still plan on continuing for as long as I can.

I feel like lately I've grown a lot in some areas. Venturing out and dedicating myself to learning 3D has been at the forefront of my mind this past month. It's nice taking the time to learn something you truly enjoy, even if it comes with many frustrations. For most of my life I spent in school barely getting by because nothing really interested me, at least for what most normal schools offer. So here I am, trying to learn on my own (with the help of the internet of course) to better my art, and myself. A few months ago I was in a pretty depressed state, but now thankfully I've bounced back a bit and can pursue things with more interest. Although now I need to balance learning, creating content, and putting pressure on myself.

I want to create better content, and I'm learning how to do that. I ask of you (and of myself) to be patient while I go through this sorta transition phase in between programs. I'm at a weird phase where now I have more of an opportunity to do different things and I'm trying to decide where exactly I want to take my art. I could focus more on making characters both original and existing, outfit creation, photorealism, or just whatever the hell I wanted to. All this takes time to properly learn and get good at so I'm just trying to decide where to start and go from there. Although right now I think I want to go with more story telling and improving composition. Even if it's simple things, but I find nowadays I enjoy content a lot more if there's little bits of details that hint at details going on in that characters life. So I want to start replicating that in my work more.

 For those of you that don't know I use to use SFM for my content. It's good for what it does, but lacks a lot of features and is a pretty old piece of software. Right now I'm trying to learn Blender and it's a whole different beast. So now I'm actually having to learn things like modelling, texturing, and a bunch of other things. In SFM you literally just take assets someone's already made (if you're not creating them yourself) and then you can focus on just posing or animating. With actual 3D software you can make everything yourself, and while you can save time by using assets that are out there like with SFM, it's still very valuable to know how to do these things yourself. Right now, learning those are also fun... for the most part. So am I completely abandoning SFM? Right now that's the plan as long as I don't get too frustrated and burn out on learning Blender.  So expect content to be a little slower and maybe a little lack luster compared to before, but over time I'll get use to the workflow and be making better looking stuff than ever! For now I'm probably going to stick to images, improving those as I go along and then slowly get back into animating things.

Now for a more "controversial" idea I have in my head. When I came up with Futaholic I thought I was being clever... and it still kind of is a amusing play on words. Lately though I've been considering changing it. What to? Honestly I'm not sure yet. While Futaholic works and is a good descriptor of my work so far, I'd rather move away from it in attempts to separate my identity from just futa content. This doesn't mean I'd stop making it, but in the rare times where I don't do futa stuff, it makes it less... awkward I guess? Because of my name I always feel obligated to make everything futa even when I don't care to. Contrary to my name, I don't always think futa is the best possible variant... I'm into a variety of things that aren't strictly futa. Femboys, regular females, sometimes monster on females, things like that. Having futaholic as a name just sounds like EVERYTHING has to be futa but I still enjoy my variety. Since I'm switching over to Blender, now might also be a good time to rethink my username as well, but we'll see.

TL;DR - Content will be a little slower while I learn a new program to better my content, and might also change my name soonish... maybe.

Thanks as always for sticking around, I truly appreciate you all. Take care and have a wonderful day :) 


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