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Hey everyone, this will be a general post discussing some my thoughts and feelings about the current state of things and the future. It'll be a long personal ramble so if you're only here for the porn feel free to ignore ;)

I wanna start off by thanking all the people that have supported me, both in the past and those that currently still are. I made a potentially "controversial" change in patreon by getting rid of the alternate angles but so far that hasn't really effected patrons as much as I thought, so I'm really happy to see people supporting me no matter what. I promise to keep delivering content to you all for as long as I can. Creating this stuff has introduced me into all sorts of fun things that I enjoy doing in my spare time and learning more has definitely helped me in terms of depression and my mental state.

With that said, like most people, I'm ready to put this year behind me. For a while things were getting rough, between COVID, burnout, and a few other things, this year hasn't been great. I won't dwell on it too much because, at least for now, things feel like they're starting to get better, at least for me. I hope this year hasn't been too much of a burden on you guys, and hopefully there are similar feelings of things getting better. A few months ago I took a break that really helped me out, and although I feel a very slight burnout from the CtC images everyday, I'll be taking most of christmas week off to relax and plan on getting fullswing back into things at the start of the year. I miss making animations but haven't had the time to commit to the with all the images I've had to do.

So what can we expect next year in terms of content? As I've said before I've wanted to start shift towards longer stuff, and things with a bit more story to them. Doing loops can be fun, but after a while they get kinda stale to work on. I want to keep evolving both for myself and to make things others can enjoy. The catch here is, producing content that, even a just a few minutes long, is HARD to do. That's why I've spent so much time just making loops, and why others do too. Because being able to translate your idea into a finished cohesive animation isn't something that's learned over night. I'm going to ramble about this in the next paragraph, to explain why it's so hard, and also for myself, because sometimes just simply writing things out to others helps you figure things out also.

The main thing this comes down to is proper planning. This conflicts with me a lot, because I'm not a type of person that normally plans things. I've always been a "do on a whim" sorta person, and because of that, the most important part of making long animations I've neglected. Slowly I've been trying to learn more about these things when I can. To give a list of what I mean by "planning" I mean things like scriptwriting, storyboarding, and directing, just to name a few. There's also other things like video editing, sound design, and so on that I haven't even really touched yet. Just think, in a AAA production studio, these are all SEPARATE JOBS that people do. Now imagine one person trying to do all this. This is why there aren't a lot of people that do longer multi-minute animations. So trying to learn all of this to an acceptable state that I feel is presentable with is a huge undertaking. That doesn't even cover the motivation/driven factor of it. With all of this takes time, and the more time you spend on this stuff the more likely you are to burnout and get tired of it. This shit isn't for everyone... I'm not even sure if it's something I want to do, but god damn do I want to try!

I'm not saying this as a "oh please feel bad for me" sort of stance. I'm typing all of this out to inform people and hopefully they can manage their expectations more, MYSELF INCLUDED. I have a standard I want to meet, but I also need to know that sometimes it's ok that I don't meet it. Otherwise shit will never get done. Expectations lead to suffering, and I need to allow myself to fail sometimes, because that's how you truly get better.

Anyway, now that that's out the way lets talk about actual progress and plans for next year and beyond. The first big project I'm working on, which I've teased here before is (Working Title) Project Intern, which features big mommy futa Scarlet and Aerith.

Current Progress:
Scriptwriting: 70%
Directing(Shotlist, camera angles, etc): 20%
Scenebuild & Lighting: 80%
Animation: 0%
Post work(Editing, Sound, Rendering): 0%

This will take a while because this will be a bigger project. Thus I'll need to take "breaks" on it, like I currently am. I've realized that I can't stick to one project for super long, instead I do better when balancing a few different projects. Somedays I'm not in the mood to animate and sometimes I want to animate and see some balls slapping together. So during those "breaks" I'll be working on smaller projects. These will be a simple 30 second-2minute long animations that will just have an intro, a few sex scenes, and short ending. I have a few ideas for what those will be but they're not set in stone yet, but I may put up a vote for patrons to decide on characters! So far potential ideas are UrbosaxLink or Zelda, Cassie Cage and another MK character, Dva x Brigette, and more more Marie x Mila. Expect a vote on those soon!

Phew! I didn't intend to write as much as I did but my brain took off. If you stuck through the whole thing I appreciate you reading and hope that came out clear enough to give some insight on my thoughts. Again I appreciate all the support, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask. Happy holidays and I look forward to make more content for all of you <3


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