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Hey everyone! I made a post last month about pausing the patreon, in case some of you didn't see it. This is a follow up post with some more information about the status of things, TL;DR at the end if you don't care to read.

So the break was both good and bad. I got motivated but then hit a pretty bad depressive state about half way through. Thankfully tho I'm back to feeling good and have even done a few image commissions to help me get back into a working groove. Overall the break has helped out a lot in terms of work mentality, and I'm ready to get back into making more content for you guys!

So the biggest change, and I hinted at this on the last past, I'm going to be getting rid of the alternate angle rewards. I know most people will be unhappy with this change, since honestly most of you are at that tier for that specific reward, so this isn't a decision I made very lightly. If you don't want to be a patron because of that I understand but at least hear me out.

1) I  plan on working my way towards longer animations. More substantial stuff than just loops. Alternate angles don't make much sense when I can just provide them as is in a main longer animation.

2) Alternate angles don't work for every animation. The biggest example of this is if I use a model that doesn't have a nude model. So I have to use another nude model to replace their model, which I've done plenty of times, however to create this illusion you sometimes have to hide things. It's much harder to do this sort of thing if you have to worry about multiple angles.

3) They create more work that I could be spending doing something else. Another separate angle means I have to do another render, upload 2 extra copies, and sometimes even change the lighting. While all this doesn't take a whole lot of time, it's usually time I don't enjoy. For the record I dislike my current process for rendering and uploading stuff. If I could automate some way I would but that's beyond my knowledge. Once I finish an animation I'm pretty mentally checked out from it, so rendering/post work/uploading is all just busy work that's not enjoyable most of the time. It's part of the process so I don't like to complain about it too much, but the less of this type of work the better off I am.

So will anything be offered as compensation? I haven't fully decided. Right now I have nothing substantial to offer and replace it. As I start making longer animations the WIP animation will still be posted to this tier, but as of right now I'm just considering outright deleting it, but I feel it leaves an awkward gap. I'm going to give it another day and figure out what to do with it, if you have any suggestions I'm all ears.

As for right now, unless you're fine with just giving me the extra money, I recommend changing your pledge to the $2 tier until I give a decent reason to pledge higher

With that I may also add early access to all of the tiers, so the people currently pledged will still be getting more out of their money. I kinda hate to go this route because it feels a bit "sellout"-ish, but having more perks for patrons is always nice. I appreciate you all, past, present, or future patrons for even giving someone like me a single cent. In these uneasy times, that generosity means a lot.

TL;DR - Alternate angle(and possibly the tier) is being removed from the reward list to allow for more creative flexibility. See numbered reasons above for more info.



Thanks for the heads up! ;D