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Hey everyone, I've been trying to create a schedule for myself lately. Normally I don't have much of a set schedule and I just work on things however I want and when time permits. So trying to make a schedule for myself will hopefully make things less sporadic and get into a rhythm that helps me be a bit more productive. This will also make content released a bit more consistent for viewers as well. So here's a vague outline of days and the schedule that I've come up with with.

Mondays & Tuesday - Commissions, WIP Images (that will eventually be animated), Experiments

Wednesday & Thursday - Strictly Animation

Fridays - Render & release animations, Blender learning

Weekend - Days off for chores, family & friends, relaxing or more Blender stuff

So the biggest change you'll see is WIP content will be uploaded at the beginning of the week, while animations will be released on fridays. Now the only caveat with this is I still have my old job. Granted I don't have to go in very much but it's still completely random as to when I need to show up. That's whats prevented me for years on having a consistent schedule, but with two days dedicated to similar tasks I can make up for any lost time that my normal job takes up. This is also a pretty loose schedule but I'm going to stick to it for a little while and see if it improves things. Also this allows me to work towards learning Blender some more so I can get back to learning a proper 3D package and make better content for you all. Again thank you to all the current and previous patrons, your support means a lot and helps pay the bills <3



Thanks for letting us know!