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Hey everyone, I'm still making progress on the animation. I'm currently up to a little over a minute of animation with more to be refined/added to. I'm realizing that the mark of finishing by the end of the month is definitely a undershoot. With some IRL stuff going on and the amount of things that need to be added I'm not great at calculating these things with a longer project like this. So I probably won't be doing any set deadlines and instead just update as I go along like I have been.

I've also noticed that I've been working on this project for about a month and a half now, that's quite a while for me. Normally by this point I would have burned out and abandoned it, but I actually switched up my strategy and finally realized that working on other stuff helps alleviate that project burn out I often face. So there's mixed feelings here because I want to get this project done, and more content out to you guys, looking at my feed here and over on twitter it seems like there hasn't been much progress but really there's been a fair bit going on. Although a lot of this time has been spent messing with other models for potential projects, I'm going to start spending more inbetween time trying to work on shorter animations.

So basically spending some time working on a longer project, like Project Maiden here, and also working on some smaller one off animations maybe like I was doing during the daily animation challenge (not doing them in a day because those took like 10-12+ hours). Obviously doing this will slow down the longer projects but it keeps me from burning out on them and I can still put out small form content for you all. Overall it should be a win-win for everyone. Gunna start on a short animation and get it out next week to you all. Anyway thanks for sticking around, see you all again soon!




Oooo lovely please don’t feel the need to rush we love and wait in anticipation for your work I’m excited to see how it turns out