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Hey everyone, just stopping by to say things are progressing and going well! I've got about a minute of basis animation done. This is basically just the animation done for the bodies without touching things like hair, secondary jiggle, etc. Right now two "loops" are done with a third one being done soon. Once all that's finished I can start working on the more secondary animation and then variation for each of the loops, then finally getting to the little unique bits of animation. Overall I'm probably estimating this to be around the 1 1/2 to 2 minute mark. Kinda estimating a release toward the end of the month but hopefully sooner if things continue going well. I've also been working on some other stuff in the background to help keep me from burning out on this and that's been helping a lot.

So in short, things are going good and progressing. Thank you all for your patience, more stuff coming soon!




Glad to hear this is going well! The total time is pretty beefy, looks like we'll be eatin' gud when it's done. (Side note: Mel's got some bountiful tiddy, goddamn!)