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Hey everyone! I haven't posted anything in a while, so I thought I'd at least update you on my situation. The good news is that my art block seems to have calmed down, so I've been doing pretty okay recently. Now, here's where it gets more complicated.

As you might've noticed, I'm taking a rather long break from furry art. Of course this is making me very anxious, since most of you pledged for that specific art. I've been mainly focusing on furry content ever since I got into Blacksad (April 2021), and I think this painfully long art block was my mind telling me I need a break. I think you all know I don't stick to one subject and love drawing all sorts of stuff. I still enjoy scalies, avians, and insect furries, but the rest I've kinda lost interest in for now. which is why I think I need a longer break, so I can come back with a fresh mind and give you all the content you pledged for.

Another reason for October pause is that I'll be visiting my family overseas for 2 weeks, and I'd rather not stress about art during my visit. I'll still try to get some art done and will slowly focus on returning to furry stuff. Poll winners and Patron sketches will get done within this or the next month, once I feel more confident about drawing furry again.

However, since Patreon is my main source of income, I'll very likely open commissions next month to pay bills. Patrons will get 5-20% off depending on the tier.

Above are some previews on what I've been working on. I still have some sketches to finish, but I'll post it all before the end of this month.

Thank you as always for your support and understanding and I hope you have a great rest of the week ❤️




I think I started subbing for all of your Blacksad art, but am absolutely thrilled with everything and anything you share with us. I hope your break helps you get back your spark to continue creating great art regardless of "genre" :) Though if I could be a bit selfish to request... MORE FIGHT KNIGHT, PLEASE!! IMO, he's gotta be a scalie.


Your best art is the stuff you draw that has infection your mind at the time and that's what I'm here for. No matter if it happens to be furry, robots, fairies, masked men, or just humans.


I've never much cared for furry stuff, but I've always stuck around because I like you and your art. Seeing you burn out and fret because you felt limited to one subject type has been tough. I know this is still your job in a sense, and you have to do what will keep you afloat, but it still sucks seeing art turn from something that you were excited about into a monthly obligation. I'm glad you can recognize what's going on, and I'm glad you can take steps to improve things. Whatever you make, be it furries, scalies, robots, or something else entirely, I'm just happy to stick around and watch your journey.


Whenever you are ready, as along as you enjoy your time its all good.I love every piece you work do its so hot and sick🔥🔥😤.definitely gonna grab a commission from ya