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Time to suggest characters for this month's poll! There's no theme this time, so go wild and pick whoever you'd like! General rules still apply:

- Include name and what fandom they are from (e.g. John Blacksad from Blacksad), you can write as many as you want!

- If there's a specific image you want me to use, include a link

- No minors or feral creatures

- I'm fine with humans/robots/monsters/pretty much any furry species

- I'm also ok with Blacksad/Rimba Racer characters, however, I will only include max. 2 picks in the poll

- I do not choose based on how many upvotes it has, but rather on the design. However, if more people suggest the same character, the chance they get in increases

- If your character was in a previous poll, they won't be picked again unless it's been at least 2 months

- Monthly poll piece is always NSFW, but if you'd prefer a SFW piece, please mention it

Ends 6th April 12AM CET



Star Wars: Squadrons - Frisk TMNT - Raphael Mass Effect - Krogan and/or Turian


Ken from Burrows VN


Star Wars: Chewie, Zeb, Krratan Bleach Sajin Komamura ShingXWinged Rouen Hero A: Selkie Onepiece: Duke Dogstorm Doctor Strange 2 M.O.O RinarthXRacket Raccoon


James McCloud from A Fox In Space


Daylon-dislyte Freddy-dislyte


Has it been 2 months since cliff? If so, Clifford Tibbits from The Smoke Room.


I'm in a Crash mood, how about either Crunch Bandicoot, Pinstripe Potoroo, or Koala Kong? I'd love to see your take on them


Garrus Vakarian- Mass effect


Marcus McCloud - Star Fox


what about: Yao (Sdorica), Law (Sdorica), Toyokuni (Sdorica), Qursha (Housamo), Tindalos (Housamo) or William (The smoke room)


Leo (Anarchy Reigns) NSFW Jace Beleren (Magic the Gathering) NSFW Ral Zarek (Magic the Gathering) NSFW Vraska (Magic the Gathering) SFW or NSFW Lady T (Area 21 "Pogo" video) SFW Voruna (Warframe) NSFW or SFW


Thunder from Fortnite is so damn hot