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Boss Bruce from ROTTMNT was this month's poll winner. AFAIK he was only featured in one 11min episode, no backstory whatsoever, so I had a hard time coming up with something. I've only seen 3 episodes so far, and as much as I like the animation/character design, my issue is that they all felt like filler episodes. I think if they went with 22mins instead, it wouldn't feel as rushed IMO. I was still obviously inspired by the style and wanted to mix it with my own.

Huge thanks to my friend Myth for helping with the dialogue!



slit/textless alts will be posted shortly for Lava Lamp+ tier!




Aw FUCK yeah this came out so well!! Thank you so much for letting me help you out zinny ❤️❤️


So glad you got to do this character! 🍾