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hi everyone, since there's only one day left until March, i'm afraid this month's poll winner piece will be delayed by a bit. lately my mental health hasn't been doing well, and with what's currently happening i'm worried the situation will only get worse. the next bonus poll will also have two winners, since there was none this month. in the meantime here's a bunch of sketches and a doodle i did recently

i'm really sorry this month hasn't been the best, but i'll try my best to be more active next month and open few more sketch slots (and also do more Blacksad characters other than Dunn/Thorpe). thank you for the continuous support and for your understanding!




Please take your time! Your health is most important! Lovely art as always!

Matthew Fawkes

You're fine! Do not apologize. What's going on in the world currently is weighing heavy on everyone so you are not alone. Please take care of yourself and stay safe! Wonderful pieces by the way!


Your feelings are completely understandable and justified, given current events. Please put your own well-being first and take proper care of yourself! :)