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it's been more than a week since i last posted anything, i have no idea how that happened and i'm very sorry. i haven't been in the mood to draw lately, for some reason i always get a mini art block at the start of every month. 

anyways i let twitter vote which one of the wips i posted in July gets finished and this one won. also did a Bobby sketchpage few days ago, Dunn/Thorpe back when they were in the army and everyone's favorite bookmaker. i'd love to finish both of these but unfortunately there's still a lot i need to do first

i might be a tad slow with uploads now since i need to focus on commissions, thank you for understanding.




Weekly is just too cute for his own good😩😩, also love the bobby one, amazing art


1: Goddamn, Weekly is such a bottom-king. 😍 2: Bobby Yale is precious and I fully endorse your awesome art of him! 👌 3: Dunn/Thorpe keep getting the happy ending they truly deserve, from your art! 💕 4: O’Leary. Dude’s just....*Doja Cat’s “Boss B*tch” intensifies* 😎


That Smirnov/Weekly piece lives rent free in my head