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I've reached an exciting milestone this week: the basic animations for Rain, the heroine of my DID game, are finished! 

It took a long time, since I had to learn how to make pixel animations mostly from scratch and I can only work on the game one day a week. But she can walk, jump, slash and stab with her sword, get hurt and fall over. Now it just needs to be programmed into the game.

Next, I'll be working on enemy sprites and a tileset for the first area Rain will explore. My partners-in-crime and I want to create a demo where you can walk around this area, fight enemies and get into kinky trouble, so the focus is on making this one place the best it can be.

Of course, there's still a lot to do before we get there, but in the near future I'll have more time to work on the game, which should speed up the graphics side of things at least.


In other news, the submission post for the July poll is still open! If you're a $10+ patron, go click on the link and tell me which damsel you want on the poll. The post is open 'til the end of the month, so don't wait too long! ^.^

That's all for now. Rosie rollin' out!


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