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Woof, this month. This month.

Needless to say, I wasn't able to finish a monthly drawing this time. I feel incredibly bad about it because I want to give you all a consistent bang for your buck--even though it can be argued that the main point of Patreon is just to support creators you like anyway, and the incentives are a bonus.

The thing is, December has been ridiculously busy for me, even outside of the normal, expected holiday stuff. Pesky real life obligations getting in the way. So this is as far as I've been able to get--the basic inking is done, but I still have a ton of details to add (this is Fire Emblem, after all) and then the coloring and shading.

The good news is, the first two weeks or so of January will give me a lot of time to focus exclusively on art, so I'll make good use of it to catch up. I'll finish this drawing, as well as the yearbook requests and poll stuff. The counterweight to that is that I've got a big flight in the middle of the month, and I start a new job right after, so I'm going to be really tired for a bit. I'm not sure yet how badly that will impact me, but I might have to cut back on January's obligations just to prevent a big backlog. Sorry again!



john duffy

She's looking good so far. Also don't worry. i can't speak for everyone, but i personally don't mind if you need to cut back.