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Hey, it's that time of the month where I show you what I'm working on!

A little while ago I got into a bit of a sketch frenzy, which led to my Mamako, Aries and Stella pics, as well as this Celica that I'm cleaning up now! Because I'm using a pretty low-budget tablet, I've found that it's easy to do my initial sketches at a very small resolution and then blow them up before adding more detail and then going into the inking stage. That's why part of her body looks a little soft and pixelly here; I didn't feel the need to draw over that part before inking.

Also, since this is the last of that pile of sketches, I've had to start a new one! I've decided to try a method where I don't think about what character I'm going to draw right off the bat, so that I won't get annoyed if it doesn't come out quite how I envisioned. It might also help me not to overthink so much--and since overthinking takes up about 50% of my day, this ought to make me a little more productive. :P

Of course, I've also still got Yearbook stuff to do, namely the shonen damsel poll winners. I don't have anything to show for that right now, because I actually haven't started yet! (Gasp!) I wasn't feeling very inspired since I haven't watched shonen stuff in so long, and I had to get some friends over on the Discord server to help out.

This, combined with the holidays coming up, means I'm probably going to be pretty late with the next poll. Maybe I'll do something a little different--I just gotta come up with it first.

Whew, that was a big ol' post... oh, what's that? I was supposed to make a special announcement? Well, how about I save that for next time so I can make it extra cool? :3c



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