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Is there anything from PA universe that you would like to see in the next part? Of course we won't see Fallice's posts for a long time



CGts Films

1.What happened to your Twitter. 2. How have Summer/Fallice maintained a zero death count. Not complaining tho lol. 3. Um would love to see uh...(checked notes)...DESTRUCTION >=3


1. After I got more views and viewers, twitter tried to make me pay to prove my personality and blocked my fuctions till I don't. I very much dislike these methods of pressure especially under the guise of fighting bots when rich companies can just pay ca personality of their bots so I decided not to add a brick to the construction of this faith of dishonesty.


I would like to see giantess participate in ad placements or music video. Maybe some snapshots of them rescuing people/ helping their community. Would imagine the government's HR apartment constantly pushing good publicity for their giantesses.