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If you remember from episode 2, the giantess apocalypse took place in Europe and North Africa, then G-Force stopped its expansion. As you can see some countries survived this event but some countries have changed. New countries on this map are military-managed unions, which were created after the military took over the power in the former, destroyed countries. These new flags are representing Nordic Union, Visegrad Union, Mediterranean Union, Western Reich and Eastern Slavic Federation. Before you ask, the action takes place in 2019 when I came up with the script for this series that's why the Russian-Ukrainian fratricidal war never took place, their unification is the result of the sudden changes caused by the apocalypse, the collapse of governments and cultural proximity. I'd also love to hear if you have a better idea for a name of Western Union than Western Reich, I just have no idea how to name it.



Toma Cafe

Is anything happening in the Americas 🤔


In the Americas has not changed much because the mosquitoes never got there, but the geopolitical situation has changed dramatically, the U.S. does not recognize the new governments in Europe, recognizes them as an illegal occupation and does not withdraw the troops still stationed there, because it wants to regain its influence in that part of the world, currently there are no conflicts because the world is still in shock, but one thing is certain, in the new world taking shape everyone wants to lay hands on mosquito power to gain an advantage, how the political games will turn out and who will emerge victorious we will see in future episodes. Now with episode 4 we're starting to explore the Project Angel World :)


The Western Union/Reich could be called Franco-German Confederation/Federation. Although your territory includes the Benelux and Austria, German and French are the most spoken in that area with Dutch considered a minority, The whole Fed/Confed is Federations have more involved states, while a Confederation is more loose when it comes to unity. Seeing as France and Germany have a 'colourful' history it could be more Confed I guess, as a suggestion. Though Junta might be on the table if it's more military than state. So Franco-German Junta... or Sausage-Croissant Pact


You have the same thoughts as I had at the start, but hell yeah Junta is the word I needed instead of unions! Thank you :)