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Hiya pups!  I hope that you are enjoying good health and that your holiday season is going well.

As this year is coming to a close, I've taken some time to evaluate my performance as a creator and the performance of our tiny slice of the internet on this page.  I am realizing now that the wind was sort of blown out of my sails when this site was reported for explicit content a few months back.  I can see now that this unfortunate occurrence has actually affected my motivation to produce for you all more than I had noticed at the time.  I've honestly had thoughts of closing up entirely, but my mama didn't raise a quitter.

She did, however, raise someone who recognizes when it's time to make some drastic changes to get your groove back.  To that end, I wanted to give everyone some notice that I'll be making a number of changes to how my tiers are structured and the sort of content I will be focused on in the coming new year.

CONTENT: This space has been a welcome place for me to enjoy creating and sharing content that isn't allowed by TSR.  For those of you don't know, I am also a featured artist on The Sims Resource.  I think that narrowing my focus to almost exclusively NSFW content on this site has run it's course.

I have been spending a bit more time playing Sims4 as of late and there is so much BB content that I would like to freshen up that I have decided to focus a bit more on that.  I think that shifting over to making the custom lots this year is a sign of a subconscious desire to do just that.  I do enjoy the idea of making lots with their own original decor and BB items but don't be surprised when you just see some random items pop up that I was inspired to retexture.

Don't fret my playful pups, I will still be making NSFW content, it just wont be as much of a focus and I will be consolidating the early release of that category to the top tier.

TIERS:  This next decision is a bit harder, but also one that I feel is necessary.  Having four tiers is a bit excessive and I also realize that the top tier isn't obvious when someone visits because the first three tiers are featured and the top tier is semi hidden.  I've also been visiting a number of other Sims4 content creators Patreon pages and I've come to realize I'm one of the only ones with a $1 tier.  So, I have decided that I will be retiring the $1 tier.

For those of you in that tier, this is not a reflection of my lack of appreciation for your support.  I sincerely appreciate all of you and I do recognize that a good number of you in that tier are some of my most loyal and long term supporters.  Thank you!  All that retiring that tier means, is that I won't be accepting any new supporters at that tier going forward.  It's honestly just a site management decision.

EARLY RELEASE: Since early access to the content I make is a primary feature for choosing a support tier and my content selection is also going to be changing, the assignment of content categories will also be changing.  The names of my tiers will also be changing.

'Sup Buddy ($4.20) As I stated before, any NSFW will be moving to the top tier.  The name of the top tier may change, but I doubt it as I kinda think the $4.20 tier is a good reflection of why I started focusing on making adult content in the first place.

Prick Me ($3) tier will be renovated to my new CAS tier.  Basically, anything relating to CAS (clothing/accessories/tattoos) that wouldn't be allowed in a PG13 environment will be going there.

Bottoms Up ($2)  This will become my BB tier.  To be honest, this tier will probably see the greatest number of content going forward as I have my eye on so much content in the game that simply just needs to be recolored.  I love the designers at EA but sometimes I have to wonder where their color pallet comes from.

I know that these tier assignments are sort of an arbitrary thing and your decision to support at a certain level is really more about your budget and how much you are enjoying having my creations in your game.  I realize that most Patreon pages are structured differently in regard to their tiers, but assigning content types to the tiers suits my style.  It does sort of set up an expectation of what content you will be seeing and who gets it first, but I feel like these new tier assignments will give me a little more freedom to design what I want and when.

As always, if you have any concerns about these changes, feel free to PM me about them.  I do appreciate the support that you have shown me this past year (and your patience).  I am hoping that this refresh will put me back in the proper state of mind to have some fun with making things to share.  Feel free to comment below if there is anything you would like to share with the rest of the class.




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