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Hello all you wonderfully loyal patrons! We promised you some sneak peeks at what's put the series on pause, and here's the first of many!

Shonen Jump, original publisher of hit manga like Dragon Ball and My Hero Academia, is holding a contest open to international creators.  We couldn't very well pass up such an opportunity, right?

Drogune: Oulaw will take place 500 years before Drogune and will tell the story of a young man named Ambru. He's on the run and finds help from the free-spirited Eko.

Here you'll find Adam's very rough first pass at our heroes and elements of the mysterious figures stalking them. He's working exceptionally hard to not only hit the tight deadline, but also design whole new elements AND do it in a manga format. The guy's a beast.

We'll share more when we can, as well as a direct download of the final PDF when it's done. Thank you all again for your patience and continued support!




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