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Thank you for reading SI and supporting my Patreon. I will post more content as soon as possible! You're now 3 chapters ahead of Webtoon.

Your feedbacks are more than welcome, I need them to improve your experience.




Amazing work kyou. These were good chapters


These were really good chapters! Poor Adra, she’s not used to being this loved so of course she’s gonna want it to stay, even if it’s all fake 😭 Also that last picture, Prince PLS


Excellent chapters yet again! Adra knows it's superficial and she knows what could happen to her, but she wants to cling to what she has in the moment. I really feel for her ;_; Also the last picture was a good laugh after the serious moments lol


YO! u did it again. Another fire ass high suspense chapter. Oh God I am so grateful you made sol Invictus omfg. I love how Sunny had to put Anna 8n her place low key....omg I look forward to seeing if sunny ever reveals how old she rly is to anna omg 😳