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David J

Reminds me of when my eldest was little. Almost 3 and for some reason she was fixated on the Westlife cover of Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl". Whenever we had to drive anywhere, she's holler "Dahn dahn girr! Dahn dahn girr!" until we played it. Then she's try to sing along, "Dahn dahn girr! Libby, libby, libby DAHN DAHN GIRR!" And we had to play it over and over until we got where we were going or she fell asleep. Funny now, but man, it made for some long trips back then.

Daniel Leon

Nero with a perfect “BRUH.” look 😂


D'aaaaw that's so adorableeeee!! Now I imagine baby Nero requesting songs too haha I loved reading this, it's just too precious thanks for sharing 🥺💖