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So how you liking it thus far 



Honestly I'm enjoying your art a lot, especially the more detailed pieces! Only thing is I kinda miss the funny comics, and I think it'd be nice to see some of those again. Don't take this the wrong way, I love your nsfw art too but it does seem like the art here has skewed a lot more in that direction.


I agree, it's been mostly NSFW during this period, but I think it's mostly a series of coincidences and the fact that I've been busy with commissions who happen to be nsfw. Hopefully I can manage to balance the amount of funny with horny


I recently joined after finding your FGO comics and really enjoyed your interpretation of the characters, like your headcanons are 100% fun and interesting to look and read about and I'd love to see more of it, or even you just nerding out over interactions based on different characters.