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This is a pretty big one once again.

It adds support for NVENC encoding, keeping subtitles, and exporting to MKV.

The AI models are no longer included in the install and now get dynamically downloaded. This made it possible to add a model selector. You can select RIFE 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, and (only for CUDA at the moment) 1.8.

There have been many other improvements and fixes too. Videos no longer get cut off if they end with a static frame, for example.

Known Issue: Auto-Encode can get pretty laggy if you're interpolating >5000 frames. Will be fixed in the next version.

Full changelog in Flowframes and on Discord.


1.21 - Icedrive


Shiloh Vanaver

Thank you for the update! For the next one please bring back DAIN. I just ran a personal 2d drawn in-between test on Rife1.7 from ff1.21.0 (as well as 1.5, 1.6 and 1.8) and DAIN from ff1.20.4. DAIN did a far better job. It's much slower but interpolates the pencil mark much better. I wouldn't use it for a long video. I would run RIFE first, then DAIN for the frames RIFE couldn't understand. If RIFE is a paint roller, DAIN is a fine paintbrush.


yea I think even though dain is "obsolete" at this point, it still has its benefits, so why remove it