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"Come on... there!" Husk exhaled as she clipped the jacket together at the bottom of its zipper, then stepped back to admire her handiwork. As she pivoted and inspected herself in the mirror a sense of satisfaction washed over her. "Oh, he's going to looove this."

It had taken the green-furred dog woman almost an hour and a half to get ready for her date, most of that time spent trying on outfits. She didn't mind the effort, of course. Mama didn't raise a slouch. Besides, as she admired the way the cherry red biker's jacket framed her bust, she knew the effort had been worth it. While the black jumpsuit and boots combo she had settled on was a little plain, the look became elevated once she clipped on the belt and the jacket, the accessories cinching her waist and drawing the gaze towards her chest. She pictured herself in an hour or so, sitting in the restaurant, sipping wine and making small talk, her date achingly trying and failing not to stare at her tits.

She smirked. "That boy's going to explode when he sees me."

With that, Husk pulled her phone out and checked the time. She still had about twenty minutes before he was supposed to be here. Just enough time for an opening volley. She opened her camera and took a few selfies, tilting her neck and placing her hand on her hip as she tried to find the best perspective. When she had one she liked, she texted it to him with a simple "see u soon <3" and then set her phone down. A few seconds later it vibrated with a response, which she ignored. Hook, line, sinker. Finally, she felt prepared to go out and play.

That's when her stomach gurgled, a low creak that seemed to echo throughout her body and sent her back to the mirror. She inspected herself again. While her outfit still looked hot, her smirk was gone. She hoped that what she expected to happen wasn't about to happen. She waited. Another gurgle broke the silence, which was soon replaced by a low hissing noise.

"Oh god damn it," muttered Husk as she felt her midsection grow tight, then swollen. It quickly began to push out, becoming rounder as the red belt stretched tight. "Motherfucker, why?" She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples with frustration as she felt her abdomen grow, a paunch forming above her thighs as her torso puffed out and pushed her breasts up. The biker's jacket that had previously framed her chest so beautifully popped open, exposing her midsection as it plumped up. "Why tonight?" she whined.

This wasn't new to her, of course, and neither was the poor timing. For as long as she could remember, the green-furred dog woman was prone to inflating like a balloon without warning. It happened seemingly at random, though often specifically during moments where it would be most embarrassing to swell up like a parade float. There was just something wrong with her body that made her fill with air without warning sometimes, though she had no idea what it was. Neither did the doctors, of which there had been many. GI specialists, endocrinologists, neurologists. She had seen dozens. For a while they had passed her around to each other like she was a new toy, each taking a turn to poke and prod her while she puffed up in their examination rooms. It was the same every time, they would run some tests and take some blood samples before shrugging and referring her to a new specialist. "Try benadryl," suggested one allergist half-jokingly. Eventually she stopped making new appointments.

The only time she had gotten anything close to an answer was from the psychic who had pulled her into her parlor when she began swelling up while shopping. Husk had been grateful for the privacy, but the woman shushed her and grabbed her palm, slipping into trance before she could protest. The woman spoke prophetically as her body expanded. She explained that she had committed a grave sin in a past life, one which could not be named, and that Husk's condition was an aspect of her punishment. When Husk asked if there was a way she could stop herself from inflating at random, she shook her head sorrowfully. "You are empty, you are hollow. You are empty, you are hollow," the psychic had repeated in a droning voice, again and again, until she opened her eyes suddenly.

Whatever the root cause may be, it didn't matter. Husk already knew well enough that there wasn't much she could do during an episode other than awkwardly stand around as she turned into a blimp. She gripped at her midsection and shook her growing paunch with a sense of utter annoyance. "This happens every time! Fuck!" This wouldn't be the first time she had to cancel a date due to surprise bloating. She quickly undid her belt as it started to seriously cut into her, her rising stomach quickly bounding forward in relief. She already felt huge, and the hissing was getting louder too, which unfortunately meant that the swelling wasn't likely to stop anytime soon. She sighed and pulled her phone out, having to lift it around her stomach and over her rising breasts.

"hey, something came up and i need to cancel :/" she typed, then erased it. "i'm really sorry but i'm having a family emergency." No, that wasn't right either. Although she hadn't been that emotionally invested in the date, she did feel bad about needing to cancel. She had met this guy on a dating app, and he seemed really nice, if a little sweaty. And she knew how much getting stood up at the last minute could be. Her earnest hope was that he'd be willing to reschedule, or at least accept a few more selfies.

As she drafted the cancellation, the expanding pressure began to spread outwards and downwards, widening her stance as more and more of her torso was subsumed by her gravid center. The growing air inside her began to apply more force outwards, placing pressure on her sides, thighs, and most notably between her legs. Husk sighed and blushed as she felt her temperature rise a little. She set her phone down for a second.

This wasn't new to her either. It was embarrassing enough to find yourself inflating at random. The fact that it turned her on didn't help much. She rationalized it as a physical response to the tension that the swelling added to her body, the pressure and stretching of her skin rendering erogenous zones sensitive and herself needy. Of course that was only half true. At this point the arousal she felt during her episodes was more a conditioned erotic response than anything. Years of spontaneous inflation had turned it into a kink for her. She couldn't remember an exact point when she started fantasizing about it separate from her episodes, it was all a blur. But she couldn't deny that the thought of filling with air until she was big and round had thoroughly merged with the psychic goo of her sexuality, embedding itself within like a pebble in a lump of clay. It was what got her off.

The dog lady bit her lip. She was admiring herself in the mirror again now, staring into the dark orb of her belly like a crystal ball, mesmerized as it grew, and her tits began to follow. As she pondered her orb, strange ideas began to flit through her mind's eye. "Maybe I don't have to cancel," she muttered. She thought of her date. He was nice, but definitely sweaty. He had been practically drooling over her from the get-go, and Husk had already accepted hooking up as an inevitability before he even asked her out. Maybe he could roll with this? Maybe he could roll her? She bit her lip harder.

"hey i could actually use your help with something, can you come inside when you get here?" Husk tossed her phone aside and went to make sure her front door was unlocked. Seeing that it was, she waddled back, unable to see her feet or much of anything past her expanding midsection and tossed herself onto the bed. She reached her arms around her gut and gasped when she found herself too big already to link her fingers, a realization which excited her to no end. With how loud she was hissing now, she realized that this would probably be one of her bigger episodes this year. Part of her worried that, by the time her date would work up the courage to come inside, she would already have grown so much that he'd find her pushed onto her back. However, as she began to rub circles around her stomach with one hand and grab her tit with the other, she let out a soft moan, and realized that wouldn't be so bad.




God damn I kinda wish that date was me...