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here's the video i was working on last week! sorry for the delay, but this one is pretty wild 🥴 i seriously can't overstate how much of a s-l-u-t I am for blueberries haha 😜

enjoy! <3





Awww looks like the swelling Ballon is about to pop and in more ways than one


This is, hands down, your best video yet I feel like a lot of ikr inflation content online doesn’t convey the building pressure very well, but this absolutely nails it! Your quivering and moaning, while obviously there due to… other reasons… really sell the feeling that you’re bursting at the seams! The sound effects, especially the low rumbling near the end, are also really well done! I’m currently putting together a minor audio edit of this video mainly just for my tastes that I’ll probably post in the groupchat sometime soon Anyways, keep up the great work!