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Hey, I can't sleep. Can I join you?

You always make me feel so good, but can it be my turn now to make you feel good?

Dungarees Note

Here's our last of the polled sleep aids, hope you enjoyed these this month. IDK which was my favorite. I loved different things about all of them. 

The GFE one was so lovely and domestic with the inclusion of my *actual* before bed routine, then the slight hypno aspect in the fdom one was super fun (and hopefully very relaxing), and this one is a little different because it does get kinda romantic almost but it is more platonic?? IDK I struggled with tagging the vibe this one gives.

Let me know if you have a fav!




it’s got to be a tie between this one and the gfe one they’re so fuckin good !! loved/enjoyed them both:) *chefs kiss*


The queen of curing insomnia 😊