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I got like five minutes into recording a sweet little sexy, you're too busy fine I'll take care of myself audio when I just had to stop. We were getting to the good stuff but I just couldn't deal with the background noise anymore.

Enjoy my frustrated reaction and the beginning of the audio that may actually need to be re-recorded. Woooo.




Awww, even if you still sound adorable complaining about it, that's such a shame (insert some joke about blowing that I'm not caffeinated enough to think of myself). But what's wrong with raking anyway? It's decent exercise, less noise, and now the thought is making me wonder if a leaf pile couldn't be a nice setting for a little quickie. Let me jot that one down here...


Oh, I'm picturing trees/hedges/fences or a space behind the garage. Or else some reeeeeally fun neighbors willing to add their leaves to the pile.