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This was just too funny not to share. I was recording a script today and during the *sexy moaning portion* I could feel a sneeze coming on. 

I just decided to ignore it in hopes that it would go away, it didn't.

Luckily I am a professional(tm) and it didn't knock me off my stride and I was able to get right back to the moaning so it was very easy to cut out of the final project.

You can kinda consider this a small preview of an audio coming in May I guess? Minus sneeze of course, that's just for you ;)



😂 🤧 hahah love it


Terrific! Hey, depending on the context, it might even work to leave in. We always love that extra bit of realism.

Dr. Camn

LOL amazing. What a glorious behind the scenes moment


I am curious to see if anyone who hears it will be able to clock the audio it could have been in had I left it

Kris P Bacon

The “Oh no” is so damn adorable and hilarious 😂