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Good day

Has anyone noticed that it's December? I would be impressed if anyone did not notice with all the Christmas themes going around, well, everywhere. xD

But there is just something about Christmas that gets you in the mood to share and give, at least I can speak for myself as it happens to me.

You may have noticed the drawing posted here right? No? Well, it's up there, like right on top of this, you should see it.....Anyways! I thought that this month I should give something extra for all the wonderful support you have all given me during this year.

So I am going to give you all a Christmas present! I will be working extra hard this month to bring you all extra comic pages. I will do my best to try and send it on Christmas day, or maybe the day after that, depends really on how my family Christmas day goes. :P

I am also planning to start big in the new year 2021. I plan to give more extra art during the months to come!

I hope you like this idea of a present for you. So stay tuned for more and really a many thanks to all who have supported me this year!



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