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Good day!

Today we have another Q&A. in this case while I was looking at the Asks I notice this one was a continue of another Ask, I found that interestign to answer. Goku answer may be a simple one, but I always picture Goku that way when it came to his verison on the studio. 

Tomorrow a new page of Curiosity.

As always, art is send by email to everyone according to their tier, what you see here is not the final result. I hope you all got it and if you did not let me know so I can help out. 

Have a nice day and stay tune for more updates. 




Goku makes a fair point. It would be hard for many people to resist lol XD

Nocturne Nocturn

link is like the kobe beef of bois and as a bonus as soon as you eat him he respawns at the last safe point


Lol XD never thought of it that way. But it does make sense hehe