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I've been thinking about it for a while now. I'd kind of like to offer a couple new tiers  that include sponsored promotions.

What I mean by that, is to have a couple extra tiers, that cost maybe a couple more dollars, where the reward is that I will  include links to any user on that tier when I post that particular piece on FA (thereby promoting thier FA gallery, though maybe if they dont have an FA, could also promote a twitter or FN account).

I've seen other artists do this with success and I think it could be nice to provide something additional to give back to all of you that are interested and have been supporting me . <33

What do you think?  Please vote here:


And feel free to add any additional comments here or ask any questions if youre not too clear. Im not always the best at explaining myself. XD

Thank you! Much <33



I think the idea is an interesting and honest one in that it's not pay-walling anything (as far too many Patreon artists do) but offering a type of promotion. The caveat is whether folks can afford to do anymore. I'm already running about 20 to 25% over-budget for Patreon, and this is likely to be the last year I continue to use the platform because it's just too expensive for me to maintain. I'm sure others are in the same situation boat.


Honestly it depends on the amount you ask for it! With that said I think it's a great idea I'm definitely interested in!