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Ahh! <3 

No sooner had I updated and readjusted my Patreon goals than I had received a new patron and a pledge increase! I hadn't even gotten a chance to fully complete my Patreon update and relaunch. XD

So, thank you so much, you lovelies! You helped me reach the next goal!. This has got me excited to continue growing my Patreon and provide even more for you! Expect a poll in the coming days. I want to get more active and get you far more involved in what I do!

On the note of goals, as I mentioned, I've completely reworked them, reworded and simplified them. I broke them down into what reaching that goal will mean as far as content, showing some samples where I could, and expressing what meeting that goal will mean for me. There will still be other kinds of content to keep variety (ie things like the Ukimori Creator will still be worked on in the background, or will take time to learn or sharpen animation skills), but the content level for that month will be the focus. 

Feel free to snoop through my goals and share any thoughts with me! I'd love to know!

Additionally, anyone who's been on my landing page, may have noticed I've already been up to rehashing things; made a new header image, made and added an introduction video, cleaned up text in the rest of the introduction with some new images and links. I encourage you all to have a look around and let me know how it looks, and if there's any other info you might want to see there! :3

The last thing I have to do now is to update the reward tiers, both adding new rewards as well as updating the splash images (though the splash art may be redone at a bit of a later date). 

I'm excited to get everything done and relaunched!

Thank you all again for aiding me on my creative journey!




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