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 Life's been busy, but I've been working hard on a lot of art!

I've been challenging myself by participating in Inktober this year! So you will be getting an art pack containing 5 full images of spoopy, horror, or Halloween-ish axolotls (and 'lotl dragons).

Edit: Pack is now titled Dark-Light.




No Goats?? #sadness


Im sorry dear, Just need to get 'lotls out of my system :P Believe me though, doing this project has been a lot of fun. So I plan on doing some goat packs as well :D <3

Draki DunkelDrache

I totally appreciate seeing you beeing so creative again! ^,.^ I for sure also wait for that roaring Drotl (dragon-lotl? lol) to get posted. And for the name, I could imagine there are some silly wordplays with lotl possible, huh? x'3