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The fifth playable snapshot goes out tomorrow evening (GMT)! :D


- Shaded all muzzle assets.

- Shaded all ear assets.

- Added dropshadow to disginguish from background.

- Added shading to all genitals and genital details

- Added Kirin horn.

- Added both Draconic and Small style ears.

-As well as a lot of under the hood stuff!

  • Replace list() syntax with []
  • Save the filtered file info cache to file, not unfiltered
  • Tweak primary colour mask of faerie ears
  • Add build:assets script, for resizing assets and building sprite sheets
  • Separate ears into back and front layers
  • Correct deploy script output
  • Serve assets at 35% of original size in production
  • Make background black in edge check mode
  • Inline background and text colors in index.html, to reduce flickering and flashing
  • Add support for specifying size in resize-assets.php
  • Add missing key prop to fragment
  • Add third spinner slice and adjust timings again
  • Tweak spinner timings
  • Replace arrays with fragments where appropriate
  • Replace ugly icon font spinner with a pure-CSS solution
  • Display hex code in colour picker (non-editable)
  • Remove editor variant max width
  • Update npm dependencies
  • Restrict primary color to a less saturated range
  • Update npm dependencies (and add lock file)
  • Base file cache on SHA1 file hash instead of mtime




hell yes!