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  Okay, this post is less about the assets (though I have finally done the colour masks for the genitals) and more about info on the Ukimori and their sexes and genders. It may be very wordy, brace yourselves! :P

Sexes & Breeding: 

  Ukimori can, in fact, be born with two additional configurations of sex attributes. Additional to the “typical” male and female, there is the Sei'edh and the Fe'irhui. Culturally, they consider these as separate sexes which are respected and have important roles in their social groups. But they also have some biological differences.
  Physically speaking, the Sei'edh has a majority of the physical attributes of a male, however they have genitals more like that of a female, often with a larger clitoris. Their physique actually tends to be bigger and stronger than that of males. While less fertile than males and females, Sei'edh can produce semen (and impregnate females), as well as also be impregnated. 

  Meanwhile, the Fe'irhui have the physical attributes of a female, though with the genitals of a male. They too, tend to be physically bigger and stronger than their male and female counterparts, though still a bit smaller than Sei'edh. They are also less fertile than the males, but are still able to impregnate both females and Sei'edh. Uniquely, they produce both eggs and semen, and when they are ovulating they can implant an additional egg into the womb of the Sei'edh or Female they mate with. Their own sperm cannot fertilise their egg however, and must be fertilised by another Fe'irhui or a male. 

 Groups and Gender Roles: 

  Pairs or groups of Ukimori who are partners are called bonds. They tend to call groups or partners without children as a group bond, while partner groups with children or the intent of having children are called mating or breeding bonds. A bond with children can also be called a family bond.

  Among Ukimori, it is very common for them to have bond or mating groups. While simple pair bonds exist, the bonding groups are actually far more common. The groups are commonly  composed of four individuals, containing one of each sex; though larger groups, same sex groups etc, are seen as well and not considered in any way taboo. While they do not tend to have hard gender roles they impose on one another, generally speaking certain genders seem to fall into certain roles within their bonds. The female(s) of the group (particularly in breeding bonds) tend to be considered the Matriarch. She oversees the care of the group, nurtures any children, sick, and injured as well as preparing food and other hospitalities for her partners and children. Males tend to aid the female with food prep and with any organisation. They also tend to look after the care of their “nest” more than the others of the group, seeing to its cleanliness and order. They also tend to be the keepers of the gardens and any livestock. 

  Both Fe'irhui and Sei'edh take on roles of guardianship and tend to be teachers for their children while offering advice and wisdom for the other adults in the group. Sei'edh tend to be guards and sentries for the group, ensuring the protection of their bond and home. They are also likely to be the enforcers of the group, often giving the discipline to any children. Fe'irhui meanwhile, often fall into roles where they go out to gather food or do any hunting that is required. They generally tend to help the males with garden work and the female with tending to food. When in a breeding group, if there are any pregnancies within their bond, a Fe'irhui will start producing milk and is able to help in breast feeding any babies born. 

 As a final note, while it is not common, some individual Ukimori do at times feel as if they are not the sex they were physically born into. While it's more uncommon than it is amongst us (Earth humans), transgender individuals are treated fairly respectfully and with acceptance. While there is some (usually therian) magic to help these individuals, it can only transform their bodies so far and medical technology isn't terribly advanced in Shi'Imora.




Some very interesting lore behind your Ukimori, thank you for sharing all of that with us! Lot of good information :D A four-way bonding group sounds like something that could be easily overwhelming, at least to the typical human from today's societies, but I imagine that since it's so commonplace among Ukimori societies that many of the complexities and intricacies of a multi-partner relationship are treated as just part of learning to be with others. With the same-sex bonding groups, how common would it be for one or more members of the group reaching out to an individual of a different sex outside of the group for breeding purposes? Another related question would be, are there any ratios for bonding groups that do have children, versus those that don't?


Thank you hun! I imagine it doesnt always go smoothly, just like any other social interactions really. But they commonly grow up in such an environment of what amounts to an extended family, so they tend to learn how these groups function, what works, what doesnt.


As for a same-sex bond reaching out to another gender for breeding, Id say is somewhre between 15-20 percent or so. Ocassionally it's an indivdual they reach out to, who only temporarily stays with the bond. But more often than not that individual will actually become a part of that group and therefore expanding it and altering some of its dynamics. As for the bonds that have children or not. I would say about 40% (or perhaps down to 30%) have children. Keeping in mind that Ukimori (Majora in particular), are not not hugely prolific breeders as far as birthrates go. But that may be a large part of why they breed in groups like this, as it increases the chance of offspring.

Draki DunkelDrache

Mhhhhh! I totally like the growing depth! ^,.^


I have nothing to say to this. this is so great and deep thought through.


Makes sense that they'd be conditioned better to handle that sort of thing than most of our modern societies would be! Won't always work ofc, they're certainly no hive-mind xD Good points! I was curious about what kinds of reasons there might be for the Ukimori Majora's to be less common, and what they might do to try and make sure they don't decline in numbers and such. Thank you for the explanations!