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 I'm in the middle of sending out the working alpha to backers!

Ive created this section for you all to give me feedback and suggestions.

As it was last time, you are welcome to send a private message through Patreon, but I feel its good for everyone to see the feedback, suggestions and critique given, even let me and others know if they politely agree or disagree etc. all in one place. A meeting point for discussion on the project.

Feel free to give feed back or critique on any aspect of the alpha, be it UI, the art itself, any thing that doesnt work which isnt listed here:

- "Submit for approval" (will probably be the last thing we add)

- No elements to choose as of yet

- Colour Picker works, though saturation and brightness is a little off. [EDIT for Alpha no3; Colour picker's saturation and brightness now works a treat!]

Lastly, please also leave your asset reccommendations, general ideas for ukimori designs and ideas here!

I'd really love hearing all your thoughts! <3


Draki DunkelDrache

Yay! I made a colored Ukimori! 8D I like the new color picker! One question, will there be hair-options? Like headhair or different kinds of the tail-fur?


Oooh i second the hair option of Draki. some punky ones for example, long flowing, etc. that would be nice.


Okay so far this looks good! One thing that i found was that the "flesh" colors seem not to affect genitals yet. nose and nipples yes, but not the adult parts yet. Otherwise i am quite happy with what we can play around with. and good on some color limitations. so it wont be a rainbow barfed Ukimori.


Currently no plan for the tail fur, but that could change! There's definately going to be different hair and mane styles to choose from!


No worries, there will be flesh colours for the genitals! I just havent drawn out the masks for them yet, as I'll be cleaning up and tweaking the art for that tomorrow c: Also Ari already made some tweaks to the colour limitations and colour pickers which should be available at the end of the month :D


Sure, no sweat. you´ve told me quite a while ago already that there will be a limited specturm of colors for Ukimori, at least on certain parts. great to see this project blooming so nicely and fast.


Out of curiosity, are there particular levels of supporters that have access to the alphas? I received a message for the first one, but not this one, is that the intent?


Yep! --&gt; <a href="https://i.imgur.com/myOTj1K.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/myOTj1K.png</a>