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Ukimori ear designs.

- Ear designs are unaffected by the individuals element.

- Thier ears have a wide range of rotation and are very sensative, able to pick up high and low frequency sounds for echo location.

- The greater part of Ukimori expression is through ear positioning.

- Young Ukimori have no ridges inside thier ears and develop as they grow into adulthood.




I appreciate the variety you have for their ears, can do a lot to change their overall facial profile, but they look to make sense to me! I am curious about the expressiveness, would it be possible for a Ukimori with a particular ear type be mistaken for having the ear type of another if their ears were held just right?


May be feasible at a distance, I think, but bost have defining flags or tragus that help distiguish them. For example, the fairie ears are lowered backwards in a relaxed state, but are distinguishable from regular style ears because of the flags set in front of them.