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I am currently sending out the very first working alpha to backers!

Ive created this section for you all to give me feedback and suggestions.

You are welcome to send a private message through Patreon, but I figured it would be good if everyone could see the feedback, suggestions and critique given, even let me and others know if they politely agree or disagree etc. all in one place. A good meeting point for discussion on the project.

Feel free to give feed back or critique on any aspect of the alpha, be it UI, the art itself, any thing that doesnt work which isnt listed here:

- "Submit for approval" (will probably be the last thing we add)

- No elements to choose as of yet

- Colour pickers dont do anything at this time.

Lastly, please also leave your asset reccommendations, general ideas for ukimori designs and ideas here!

I'd really love to hear all your thoughts! <3



OH goodness my apologies for not replying myself! The emails Patreon sends seem to truncate quite a lot of the messages off xD For the male genitals I think it's actually a good idea to have them be an option in their own to show relative size to the rest of the character, I actually have been having that issue with some of my own references where I have a refsheet specifically for genitals, but the artist doesn't necessarily know that easily how it sizes up with the rest of the body. Given that it's particularly easy to see male genitals and their details from a glance, but not so easy with females, I'd say keeping the detail window as an option works well for ladies! Awesome to hear on the aesthetics, makes sense that you're working to get the framework down first! I'm liking the horn designs you're creating a lot :D Very interested to see how those pattern and marking options will look! Makes sense on the clothing front to keep that as a possibility and not a definitive, that'd be a LOT of work to do, and clothing can be so incredibly specific to a particular character. Thank you for all the great responses, helps to understand and get excited about this whole project!


Alright, so my first impression so far is, i´m amazed by the quick progress and clicked myself through the available options. i like alot the option to choose to show between sfw and nsfw features. one type of horns i missed was the broken but floaty crystal horn, but i guess it will implemented later on.


Yeah, those are part of the elemental horns and will start being available in coming versions c:


Possibly some trinkets/jewelry ? Clothing ? Scars/Tattoo's/Pupil types and so on ? Honestly the list is easy to make but I am unsure which belong since Ukimori's are yours to design :) I have no complaints what so ever and it looks great so far :)


Very much like this alpha build and the ease of use! Things are laid out in a sensible manner, the buttons are easy to understand and use, and I appreciate that relevant buttons appear and disappear appropriately, such as when you toggle genitals being shown, detail shots for the vagina, etc! Similar to what Furchee has mentioned above, I'm curious what sort of plans you have for further aesthetic options, such as markings, patterns (will those be the 'elements' mentioned above?), accessories, clothing, and things like that, if any! Excited to see more of this, thank you for sharing it with us :D


Jewelry can do! Clothing -is- possible-, though might be a wee bit more tough since I'd essentially have to design each item of clothing a minimim of 8 time (for each gender and then each body-type of that gender) therefore will be quite intensive. So will probably happen towards the end of the build, after all the other assets and things like markings have been added c:


Scars, tattoos and piercings are already on the to-do list :D and finally if you have telegram or the like, messege me (or note me on FA) with your telegram, and we can discus the eyes, pupils or anything else you have idea wise :)


Glad things seems straight foreward and easy to use thus far :D For the genitals do you think the male member should be displayed as a detail inset like the female parts can be? I wasnt really suure how to tackle that, female genitalia being what they are XD


As for other aesthetics, markings and such are definitely planned, i just want to work out the body types and such before I tackle that! Elements will effect what sort of markings (as well as colour palets and horns) a ukimori can have. But there will also be a bunch of " common" markings and horns a Ukimori can have that wont be limited by thier element.


Damn, I keep forgetting to answer parts of your questions, apologies! On clothes, tattoos etc, please see my response to Furchee!

Draki DunkelDrache

I like the possibility to show single elements, makes it pretty easy to compare the body parts. =3 And yay for transgenders. ^,.^ But what about different body shapes? Is that planed?


Yep different bodyshapes are planned to be done, The current male and female bodies are just the "average" body type. There will also be slender, chubby and muscular!