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So, some of you may have seen my FA or Twitter. I announced a big project, the Ukimori Character Creator.

 The aim is for the app to be a character creator for the species, allowing people to easily make a Ukimori character that adheres to canon which generates & e-mails a simple reference sheet to the user.

To see some of the features, please watch the video here:


I initially set up a seperate Patreon for the project, as it's totally different to doing illustrations here. It would mean (temporarily) reworking rewards. and how I approach my patreon as a whole. At least for a few months, until the project is finished.

Planned rewards are as described in the image above.

If people are happy to back the project here, and content with the rewards; rather than changing the listed rewards on the front page, I will post these rewards at the top of my patreon for all to view.

Anyone on the Gold Tier Rewards here, (including Crystalline Forest and Tree of the Eternal) will still be listed when I post monthly project update shots on FA.

With backers on the highest tier (Tree of the Eternal), I will discuss possible options via dm, should people accept the project and temporary change here. 

Additionally, if this is the route I go, I may change this patreon to a monthly one, as I plan to have an absolute mimimum of weekly updates for the project. Though may wind up even more!

So what are everyone's thoughts? Would you like more info? Are you unsure? Are you happy backing the project here? Would you prefer just to back another patreon for it (if at all)?

Ive set up a quick poll here which I would appreciate people to vote on. :)

[ Poll Closed ]

Poll results:https://snag.gy/X5LWgj.jpg

Please let me know, or ask all the questions, feedback is really important and will help a lot! :)

Thank you all for bearing with me! :D




I´d go with supporting the Project :3 so far i dont can profit from the current rewards. First access to open commission slots have not prooven usefull yet. no commissions open yet... and the raffle just happend only once so far too. so i guess i´m good with supporting the Ukimori Creator :D more to support there!


Yeah, as per patreon rules cant do raffles anymore. ;o; and not just commission slots but any limited run orders, items etc. (like the books i did). maybe should do something like that for the pins and such, hmm? :)