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Meet the Moahrhu!

A strange Shi'Imoran critter that can be found in forests, woodlands, and occasionally in swamplands.  They are fairly rare, but have been spotted in the Forest of Singing Lights and in Tikolo Wood near the Tree of Aeons. Most likely to be seen in the early morning when dew is still on the ground, often sunning in the tree canopies.

The are shy creatures with above average animal intelligence. They spend a lot of time hunting for insect, their favorite food source, but they also feed on moss, lichen, mushrooms and other fungus. They have a long sticky tongue, perfect for quickly catching insects.

They generally make dens in abandoned burrows other animals have dug out or in the hallows of large trees Typically, they are found in small family groups, hunting and foraging together. However they are rather territorial and often will keep other family groups out of their territory, though this rarely results in any actual violence due to their tendency to be shy and fairly peaceful.

While they are warm-blooded, they can get a boost of energy from basking in the sun, soaking up the warmth through the insides of their large ears and the surface of their wings. They can fly, but only in short bursts, flitting or gliding between trees.

They are shy and wary of other creatures, and thus other species will find it hard to gain their trust or companionship. However in uncommon cases where their trust is gained the Moahrhu will bond strongly and consider their companion as family.




this is.... interesting :P


My goodness they're cute! Love the design of them, and I'm curious about the little leg nubs further along their sides! Do they function like caterpillar legs despite their short nature, or do they serve some other purpose? Either way thank you for sharing this with us, and for the description! Fun little critters that I'd love to see more of :D


They are indeed similar to a caterpillar's prolegs, (though initially i based their design on velvet worms) aiding in their ability to climb. And infact they continue to grasp when they sleep, so they are secure in the case they doze off while sunning up in the canopies.