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Where am I?? Sadly, I'm sick again. Again some cold or smth with fever already going on for a few days. My immune system seems terribly messed up after isolating for so long. I just had to deal with this in July, I don't know what's going on 😭

But Eurofurence went pretty good! The sales were alright, but even more importantly, I met so many new people with cool and interesting stories. And bonded with other artists :^) My artshow pieces weren't as popular as I'd hoped (dreamed hahaa) I only sold 2 smaller ones, but I got a lotta feedback what the reasons might have been, so I'll def try again next year!

Even my bf loved it, and he was so sceptical at first 😂 Now he's so hyped and wants to have a panel in the artshow next year and even plans to build his own fursuit hahaha. I'm so curious to see how this goes xD

Next there will be a bunch of traditional artpieces, comms from EF I still have to draw. Then after that, I like to focus on my own studies and artistic developement for a bit. I've let that slide for so long now.

And then ... there's even another comic at the horizon. Can't say much about it right now, but I will soon!



Ah dang sorry to hear you are sick dude! Glad you and bf had a good time tho! Sorry that the sales didn't do as good as you hoped. They looked real awesome and wish I was there to snag one! Hope ya recover soon


Thank you! Ja... it wasn't just my paintings, the sales at the artshow seemed kinda slow for everyone. It's required to pay in cash and this year nearly nobody seemed to have cash with them, maybe that was part of the problem. Or maybe they were just too big to be carried home comfortably? Anyway, I'll offer them up for sale soon, here first, probably.


Get well soon and I owe you a dinner, completely missed that somehow T__T! Soo nice to hear that your stay was good ^_^! Would have loved to talk to you even more, poorly it was really loud at the lounge this time!


I don't remember that you'd owe me dinner ...? Do you? And I'd have loved to talk more, too, but there were so many people and only so many hours in a day haha. There were so many more cool artist I wanted to say hello to, but well ... next time.