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finished working on a commission for Dani 

so many updates.

I hope no one gets mad at me for this.

I've been really sick for the past few days so I wasn't able to work much, but I'm feeling better now. because of that, I'm behind on assignments for school so I'll have to start focusing on those more now for some time. I also still have to attend work so that doesn't give me much free time to work on art. I managed to squeeze in some time today to do a few frames of the pilot though.

I've had to go to the doctor several times due to physical body aces caused by stress. This has been going on even before I started college (which made it way worse). So I'll be taking more frequent breaks from now on. I'll still be posting animation updates on here when I get time to work on them, just regular art might be slow

I really do want to keep making content for you guys, but I can't do that if I'm dead. I want to work at a more healthy pace for myself from now on. 




Don't worry about it Sharpy, your health is more important than giving us updates, take brakes whenever you need them and I hope it gets better.


Your health and happiness comes first, take care of yourself. We'll appreciate what you have time to make