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Happy New Year to everyone!

Just wanted to say my plans for this year for this patreon.
I really wasn't happy with my productivity the later half of last year, hence I made 3 animations on December to make up for it. (The 3rd animation is done and I'm just waiting for the voice.)

So for this year, I'll actually be consistent and do 1 animation a month.
You can look forward to that ( -_・)b



We love your work kamuo! Can't wait to see everything created this year.

Peter Shillito

Hey, happy new year! It sounds daft, but please don't overstretch yourself. I only speak for myself of course, but I'm happy to keep supporting you making high quality videos even if they take a bit longer to come out. I'm very much team "quality over quantity" over here lol. Either way, I hope you don't stress over getting things out "in time". It's all good 👌❤️


Looking forward to it 👍

oh _ capitan

Very excited for your future works!