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Hello everyone.

Just a quick post to tell you all who were waiting for the next Fateless episode, I said I was going to release it this month (January) but I couldn't due to time since I did another project.

Honestly it's for the best so I don't have to rush it and give it the focus it deserve since it's going to be a huge episode. So Fateless ep. 19 will be up for February, 2024.

I mentioned this on the latest post but I realized there are some supporters that wouldn't be able to see that post, so that's why I'm making this one.

Thank you all for your support and patience!

EDIT: woops, I put this post only for tier 1 members instead for all patreon members. Now it's fine.



ok thanks for the update Evan. Glad to hear Fateless 19 will be a big episode. Looking forward to it.


Really excited for this ep. I’m hoping there’s going to be quite a bit of bonding between Rachel, Chell and Michelle, seeing as she’s finally met her mother and Chell also seems to have become more open to the idea of being a mother. Oh and I wonder what the others reactions will be to Faye being engaged now! So many interactions that could happen, I can’t wait to see :)


Hope Evan and everyone had a good weekend. Just checking in any chance we'll get Fateless 19 this week?


Hello! The next ep. 19 is going to be available on the end of the month. It's a huge one so I want to squeeze every time possible to get this one right.


It's been a long time since the lovely ladies of Fateless have seen any action on the digital page. By now their breasts must be so swollen that they're crying to be milked. I have a feeling Fateless 19 is going to be a cataclysmic world ending deluge of milkgasm's. We must all pray to the gods that out hunger be great enough to survive this apocalyptic flood of titties, nipples, and MILK! Beware the end is nigh!

hehe julie

next week is fine


Sorry I didn't reply I was so focused finishing the episode, it's up now!